
Universal Crafts Embossing Powder Tool with Fine Kaolin Powder

Original price was: $14.71.Current price is: $11.77.

SKU: YB463497771 Category:


Universal Crafts Embossing Powder Tool with Fine Kaolin Powder.This Embossing Powder Tool gives you a touch-less delivery method via nylon bristles and ahand heldapplicator. Easy to use and store away when not in use. Cap stays secure and is easy to attach.

This powder toolis perfect for dusting your cardstock to remove any static prior to adding your embossing powder.

Avoid touching/handling the brush head because this will deposit oil, sweat, and debris from your fingers onto the brush head.

This Embossing brush tool is filled with White Super Fine Kaolin Powder. This tool can be refilled with our Poppy Crafts 30g Super Fine Kaolin Powder (PCKAOLINPWDR), sold separately.


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